My Heart Aches for Fall Leaves

| October 10, 2019 | 0 Comments

Seasons…those subtle changes in weather, light, and life that signal the turning of the page to a new adventure. Fall leaves, winter snowflakes, spring blossoms and summer fireflies, each shout of the arrival of transitions, the never-ending cycle of growth and new life.

Fall Leaves in New England
Fall leaves in Maine USA

Growing up along the lake in northern Ohio brought crisp changes in the seasons. The first barefoot day in spring when the ground was still cool and damp under my feet, the stifling humidity in August when only a dip in Lake Erie could provide refreshment, a rainbow of changing fall leaves in October or watching from my classroom window as those first magical snowflakes fell on the playground outside in December.

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.

L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

I lived in Arizona for many years and my heart ached for each hint of a change in the seasons, and that turning of the page… The lack of seasons in the Arizona desert made me miss that crisp autumn air and fall leaves most of all.

caramel apples Burlington Vermont
Caramel Apples in Burlington Vermont

No matter where I live, I’m always on the lookout in October and November for those sweet reminders of fall. Hot apple cider, caramel apples, children jumping into piles of leaves, cider donuts, and the crimson red, golden yellow and rusty orange fall leaves taking their last breath before winter.

fall leaves in Stowe Vermont
Fall Leaves in Stowe Vermont

Fall Leaves in Stowe Vermont

Since living on the East Coast, I’ve had a chance to visit several New England states in the fall. We’ve had a chance to visit Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. I still have a lot of catching up to do in writing about these amazing destinations.

The photo at the top was taken in Maine several years ago. These others were taken last year on our trip to Stowe, Vermont. It was late September and the fall leaves were every shade you could imagine and they hadn’t even peaked yet. These images don’t do them justice.

We found some wonderful local products in our time in and around Stowe. Here are just a few and I’ll write about more later.

Boyden Valley Winery

Just a short drive over Smugglers’ Notch Pass north of Stowe, in Cambridge Vermont is the family-owned Boyden Valley Winery. We spent one of our drizzly days there and brought home some treats.

Vermont Ice Maple Creme Liqueur has a similar taste and consistency as Bailey’s Irish Cream. It’s delicious over ice cream, or ice or added to coffee.

Glogg – we also picked up a bottle of this mulled spiced red wine made with a traditional Swedish recipe. A great wine for the holidays and winter. Glögg is a mulled spice wine that is great served warm in a mug.

More about our Boyden Valley Winery tour later.

Vermont Products
A Few Treasures from Vermont

Snowflake Chocolates

Not far from Cambridge, in Jericho, Vermont we found the Snowflake Chocolate Factory Store. This shop, that was started in 1986, keeps three generations of the Pollack family busy. The chocolates are delicious and it’s fun to watch the team create their treats through the window that looks into the intimate production area. Each piece is handmade from family recipes in small batches, coated with the finest milk and dark chocolate.

Marshmallow pumpkins Snowflake Chocolates

“It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!”

Winnie the Pooh, “Pooh’s Grand Adventure”
red fall leaves in vermont

Which season is your favorite and what is it that you look forward to?

If you’d like to see more about our Fall travels, check out these posts.

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Category: Maine, Midwest States, New England States, Ohio, Travel Inspiration, United States, Vermont

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